









東海国立大学機構 オープンアクセス加速化事業


文部科学省 オープンアクセス加速化事業の採択機関の決定について



Tokai National Higher Education and Research System (THERS) has been selected as a Category 1 subsidy for Open Access Acceleration Project by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT).


We will continue to promote the sharing and publishing of research results of Gifu University and Nagoya University and return them to society.


This program is open to universities and other institutions that have developed a business plan based on a university-wide vision for open access. The purpose of the subsidy is to accelerate the development of systems and system reforms for immediate open access at each institution by supporting the development and upgrading of research results management and utilization systems (institutional repositories, etc.), the enhancement of the operation and organizational structure of the relevant systems through university-wide management, and the implementation of internal support measures (such as strategic APC support) to promote open access. The fiscal year of the subsidy is 2024.


For more information, please see below.


THERS Open Access Acceleration Project


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